Crowdfunding Campaign Announced to Fund Nichelle Nichols Sizzle Reel

Nichelle Nichols final convention appearance will be at next year’s farewell engagement, May 2020, in Burbank, CA. And in order to celebrate, independent production company Atomic Network, are trying to produce a biographical documentary about her life.

In a press release, Atomic Network explains: “the time for Nichelle to tell her unique and amazing life story is now. Independent production company Atomic Network, which is currently working with Nichols, will be pitching the idea of her biographical documentary to the networks. Putting their best foot forward, they are planning on filming a sizzle reel on an authentic reproduction of the original Enterprise sets, currently located in Georgia.”

To support the sizzle reel and the network pitch, Atomic Network has set up an Indiegogo campaign. Campaign perks include autographed photos and tickets to the farewell event next May, and more.

Atomic Network is the production company behind the fan film Star Trek: Of Gods and Men and the fan series “Renegades”. They are also the company putting on The Nichelle Nichols Farewell Convention, which is planned for May 1-3, 2020 - that’s next year -  in Burbank, CA.