“Embarrassed” by Brexit: Sir Patrick Stewart tells fans it’s a “disgrace”

"Patrick Stewart" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Sir Patrick Stewart has said that he is “embarrassed” by Brexit.
Comicbook.com reported over the weekend that Stewart’s remarks came during a speech at Comic Con Paris in October. According to the piece, he stood and addressed the audience at the end of a panel promoting Star Trek: Picard.
“For the last 35 years,” Stewart said, “I have been so proud to belong to a country that was part of the European Union. And I am embarrassed to stand here in front of you, representing a country that is seeking to break that invaluable connection.”
The United Kingdom, Stewart’s home country, is in the midst of a political crisis, which would see it exit the European Union, imminently. The country voted by public referendum in 2016 to leave the EU, but its exit has been delayed repeatedly as a result of the government being unable to agree on the conditions of departure. The act of the UK leaving the EU is commonly referred to as “Brexit”.
Stewart is outspoken in his opposition to Brexit. Shortly before Comic Con Paris, he spoke at the People’s Vote Rally in London, which called for another public referendum on the issue. At the rally, he said that there was “nothing democratic” about the 2016 vote, and that “people weren’t just misled, they were lied to.”
To the audience in Paris, he said, “I want you to know that well more than half of the population of the United Kingdom wants to stay in the European Union. [...] It is a disgrace that individuals in my country are attempting to separate it.”