Ethan Peck and Anson Mount reflect on being Star Trek’s Spock and Pike

To promote the release of Star Trek: Discovery season two on Blu-ray, Ethan Peck and Anson Mount gave an interview with io9. In the interview, they discussed finding their way into pre-existing characters, working on Short Treks, and their feelings on a Pike/Spock spinoff.
Both men acknowledged that stepping into roles that were already well-known by fans was challenging. Mount said of Captain Pike, “It was a little daunting at first because I knew what was being asked of me. But, you know, I don’t know a character in the canon that is more revered, yet we know very little about him.” He went on to explain that he thought Peck actually had it worse, stepping into Spock. “I did not envy Ethan’s situation, which was more difficult, I’d say.”
Peck agreed, acknowledging that of the two, he had more “cornerstones” to uphold. And the Spock character’s complex relationship with emotion added to the challenge. “Figuring out every moment was a tightrope walk that was never emotionally empty,” he said. “It was always emotionally full, as a matter of keeping a lid on this pot that was always boiling.”
The established characters of Pike and Spock were written in Discovery season two to have an established camaraderie. When asked how the two actors approached their performances to convey that relationship in a short time, they talked about their off-screen relationship. Mount said, “when you start out as a young actor someone invariably tells you that an acting career is a bit like summer camp. [...] And every now and then, you develop a friendship that you know you’re going to have forever. And I feel like Ethan’s definitely one of those people, for me.” Peck said he would say the same of Mount.
So what do the two friends think about the possibility of a spinoff series featuring Spock and Captain Pike? Both actors spoke positively about revisiting their characters in the three most recent Short Treks. But they were realistic about the prospect of a full-blown series. Mount asked, “Would we prefer the appetizer or the entree?” before explaining, “I’ve learned to count my blessings. [...] These decisions are made by people you and I have never met and will never meet. So, whatever the Network Gods determine, it doesn’t matter. I feel blessed to have had this experience.” Peck echoed the sentiment, saying, “if that’s it then I’m so happy, thrilled, grateful to have been a part of it. If there’s more, I would jump at the opportunity.”
Star Trek: Discovery season two is out on Blu-ray now, including two Short Treks, “Runaway” and “The Brightest Star”, which relate directly to the story, and two hours of special features. You can also watch the three most recent Short Treks, featuring Spock and Pike, on CBS All Access now.