George Takei expresses support for anti-racism protesters, saying progress “involves active participation”

George Takei speaks at the UCLA 2020 virtual commencement
Star Trek actor and outspoken activist George Takei has weighed in on current events, and provided some encouraging words to the 2020 graduating class at UCLA.
Takei spoke at UCLA’s virtual commencement ceremony last Friday, June 12th. But ahead of his appearance, he spoke to the news agency AFP about the massive anti-racism protests that have been taking place over the past few weeks. While Takei, who is 83, hasn’t been marching, he expressed support and encouragement for those who have participated. “We are making progress,” he said, “but that involves active participation. [...] As a society we are moving, inching forward.”
AFP also reported that Takei commented on more than just the anti-racism protests, and addressed police brutality and recent transphobic comments made by Harry Potter author JK Rowling. He said, “The root of this kind of bias is all the same, whether it’s race, or race combined with war in our case, or by gender identification, it’s the same [...] It’s hate - irrational hate.”
Takei later charged UCLA’s graduating class to build positively on current events. To them, he said, “You, the infinitely diverse hi-tech class have the whole of human history, the glorious and the ugly, as your launching pad [...] Stretch as far as you can. Boldly go where no one has gone before.”