Jonathan Frakes Tweets a Picture of a Trombone
If there’s one thing all Star Trek fans love, it’s a good teaser. And veteran Trek actor and director Jonathan Frakes is one of the best at them.
Yesterday, highlighted a tweet from the former Commander Riker himself, which featured a picture of a trombone, and the caption, “My next project…”
Of course, eagle-eyed fans jumped on the tweet as a kind of hint that Frakes might be returning to the role of Riker in Star Trek: Picard. That idea was reinforced by Brent Spiner, Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Data, who tweeted in response, “Oh yeah!”
What do I think? Personally, I won’t guess. But points out that jumping to that particular conclusion could be a little hasty. After all, Jonathan Frakes has a history with the trombone that pre-dates his time on Star Trek. Quoting the piece: “In fact, Riker got to play the trombone because Frakes happened to know the instrument from back in his marching band days. Riker also played the slide trombone, while the instrument pictured in the tweet is a valve trombone.”
Perhaps a plausible alternative solution is that Frakes is joining William Shatner in his quest for a blues album and documentary?
Star Trek: Picard is filming now, and the last we heard, Frakes was filming episodes three and four, which we knew had been confirmed to direct. We’ve had no further details on episodes 5 through 10 of the new series, except to say that it is expected to premiere this Fall.