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Mary Linda Rapelye, Star Trek’s Irina in “The Way to Eden”, has passed away at 76

Mary Linda Rapelye as Irina in Star Trek “The Way to Eden”

APRIL 18, 2021 - Star Trek guest actor Mary Linda Rapelye has passed away. Her death on April 5th was reported in an obituary in the Boothbay Register out of Maine, where she lived. According to her obituary, “she bravely fought a form of cancer.” She was 76 years old.

Star Trek fans will know Rapelye for her guest role as Irina in the Star Trek season three episode “The Way to Eden”. She also appeared as Ambassador Rayna Morgan in the fan web series Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II episode “To Serve All My Days”. But outside of that short appearance, she had a nearly eight-decade performing career on stage, screen and television.

Rapelye moved to Maine in 1999 and created what would become the current Lyric Meadow Farm, which, in addition to being a certified organic farm, is also an event venue and kennel for goldendoodles.

Rapelye is survived by her brother Gardiner and several cousins and their families.