Michael Dorn will NOT be Appearing in Star Trek: Picard (Probably)

Michael Dorn as Worf in Star Trek Generations vs. his rumored signature
If there’s one thing the Internet loves, it’s a juicy Star Trek: Picard casting rumor. Yesterday’s came from Twitter user Alex (@AleSTrek), who spotted what looked like Michael Dorn’s signature on a wrap gift from the new series, and naturally, Star Trek fans picked it up and ran with it. Many saw it as a sign that Dorn (and therefore Worf) would be making an appearance in Star Trek: Picard.
The original tweet appeared on September 8th, and yesterday, Newsweek debunked it. Let’s break it down. @AleSTrek’s original tweet featured a picture of a clapperboard, with several signatures on it, which Picard cinematographer Philip Lanyon had posted on Instagram. At the time, Lanyon wrote, “That’s a wrap!! Thank you Jamie Felz for organizing the amazing, one of a kind gift - a signed slate from the cast of Picard, including some of the original #TNG cast.”
@AleSTrek tweeted in Spanish, but with Twitter’s helpful translation, their new caption read: “The rest [of the signatures] could be Isa Briones, Evan Evagora and Harry Treadaway but I don't know their signatures. The one in the middle draws my attention (white box) Could it be that of Michael Dorn?” For comparison, he also included what looked like a signed image of Dorn appearing in Star Trek Generations.
Newsweek picked up the story and got in touch with CBS Television Studios. They clarified in their article yesterday, “a representative for Picard producers CBS Television Studios confirmed to Newsweek that Michael Dorn is not appearing in Picard, citing a conversation with the casting team.”
So it looks like we won’t be seeing Worf in Picard...But then again, most Star Trek fans have been around long enough to remember John Harrison, so maybe it’s not a closed case just yet.
This article was written for the podcast Daily Star Trek News.
Alison Pitt is the writer, producer, and host of Daily Star Trek News, on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. A veteran Star Trek podcaster, she started her career on the weekly show Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast in 2015. She has appeared on panels at Star Trek Las Vegas, WonderCon, and San Diego Comic Con.