Nerd Alert! Star Trek: Discovery’s Anthony Rapp reveals details of the cast’s Dungeons & Dragons campaign

What it would look like if the crew of Discovery were to go up against a dragon. Probably. SEASON 3 -- KEY ART -- Photo Cr: James Dimmock/CBS © 2020 CBS Interactive. All Rights Reserved.
NOVEMBER 10, 2020 - So it turns out that a few Star Trek: Discovery actors are fans of Dungeons & Dragons.
Last week, Adira actor Blu del Barrio admitted that they enjoy playing D&D in their spare time. And now, fellow Discovery crewmate Anthony Rapp has revealed details of a campaign they’re running together, with other members of the Discovery family as well. On Monday, Rapp tweeted, “In #nerdalert news, there’s a small but mighty group of #StarTrekDiscovery cast members who’ve begun a #DungeonsandDragons campaign. In our first 2 sessions, we have successfully defeated some orcs & an ooze! My half-elf Druid even turned into a giant wolf spider.”
In #nerdalert news, there’s a small but mighty group of #StarTrekDiscovery cast members who’ve begun a #DungeonsandDragons campaign. In our first 2 sessions, we have successfully defeated some orcs & an ooze! My half-elf Druid even turned into a giant wolf spider. 🕷 🕷 🕷
— Anthony Rapp Voted for Biden Black Lives Matter (@albinokid) November 9, 2020
Rapp went on to post the digital character sheet for his Druid, Grafinas, plus the details of some of the characters belonging to other members of the party. Mary Wiseman’s husband Noah, he explained, is the DM. Then del Barrio plays Bink, a tiefling wizard; del Barrio’s on-screen partner Ian Alexander plays Vyvee, an elf bard; and Emily Coutts, the actor behind Discovery’s pilot Keyla Detmer, plays Airlia, a half-elf cleric. Rapp also explained that they have another (unnamed) member playing tank as a Goliath ranger.
When another Twitter user asked what platform the party uses to play, Rapp explained that they’re using Zoom to get together, and an app called D&D Beyond for their character sheets. They use dice if they have them, or an app if not, and, Rapp said, “[The DM] Noah just puts his camera onto a real map with character markers for the encounters. It’s worked out great.”
We’re on Zoom & use @DnDBeyond for our character sheets & dice rolls (or real dice if we have them) but Noah just puts his camera onto a real map with character markers for the encounters. It’s worked out great. In my other game, we use #AstralTabletop for the maps and rolls.
— Anthony Rapp Voted for Biden Black Lives Matter (@albinokid) November 9, 2020
Not a bad use of downtime while filming season four. And of course, you can catch up with Rapp, del Barrio, Alexander and Coutts in their Star Trek: Discovery roles, with season three now streaming on CBS All Access.