Patrick Stewart Reflects on the 'Star Trek: Picard' Ending That Could Have Been

Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard in STAR TREK: PICARD. Image: Paramount+.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 - When Sir Patrick Stewart received the call in 2018, little did he know that it would mark the beginning of an unexpected journey—a journey that would take him back to the familiar territory of the Star Trek universe. In a candid and heartfelt essay in Time, Stewart reflects on his initial hesitation, the creative negotiations, and the ultimate resurrection of Jean-Luc Picard in the hit series Star Trek: Picard.
Stewart's initial response to the prospect of revisiting Jean-Luc Picard was a resounding "No." He had cherished his time as the iconic Starfleet captain in Star Trek: The Next Generation and the subsequent feature films. But Stewart felt that he had said everything he wanted to say about the character, and he was eager to explore new acting horizons.
Yet, as fate would have it, a lunch meeting with screenwriters Alex Kurtzman, Kirsten Beyer, and James Duff led to a change of heart. They presented him with a compelling vision of Picard's later years, raising questions about the character's emotional journey, his relationships, and the potential for an entirely new narrative. Stewart needed time to ponder these possibilities.
The turning point came with a 10-page memo outlining the proposed storyline for Star Trek: Picard. Stewart and his wife, Sunny, carefully considered the impact of this decision on their lives and decided that revisiting Picard was worth exploring. The addition of screenwriter Michael Chabon to the team further piqued Stewart's interest.
But he had conditions. Stewart insisted that the series not rely on a reunion of The Next Generation characters and that Picard would no longer be serving in Starfleet, eschewing uniforms and badges. He also stipulated that the series would have a maximum run of three seasons. While these conditions weren't without resistance, they were eventually accepted.
Fully committed to the project, Stewart wanted to make a grand announcement. At the 2018 Star Trek Las Vegas convention, he made a surprise appearance, dressed casually, and declared, "Jean-Luc Picard is back." The thunderous applause from fans confirmed that the return to the Star Trek universe was a decision worth celebrating.
Once filming began, Stewart found a new gear to play Jean-Luc Picard. He recognized areas where he could improve his performance, such as speaking less theatrically and adopting a softer, gentler tone for the aging character. Despite the changes, Stewart's iconic voice remained a powerful tool for conveying Picard's depth and emotion.
Star Trek: Picard introduced viewers to a range of new characters, each with their own complexities and struggles. Characters like Raffi Musiker and Agnes Jurati added depth to the narrative, with the casting of Michelle Hurd and Alison Pill receiving praise.
The series evolved with each season, gradually softening Stewart's initial hard-line conditions. Fan-favorite characters from "The Next Generation" made appearances, including Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, John de Lancie, and Whoopi Goldberg. However, it was essential for these characters to contribute meaningfully to the story rather than being mere sentimental additions.
As the series approached its third and final season, Stewart shared his vision for Picard's conclusion. He wanted to see a content Jean-Luc, at ease with his situation, and hinted at the presence of a wife in his life, blurring the lines between the character and himself.
Unfortunately, Stewart's vision for the ending wasn't realized. A scheduling conflict led to the decision to postpone shooting the final scene. Ultimately, the studio deemed it unnecessary and costly, and the series concluded with a heartfelt toast to the beloved Starfleet crew.
So, is this truly the end for Jean-Luc Picard? Stewart gently pushes for one final chapter—a Picard movie. He envisions an expansion and deepening of the universe as seen in Star Trek: Picard and has the support of fellow The Next Generation actors. With their enthusiasm and Stewart's unwavering commitment, it seems that Picard's journey may not be over just yet.
As fans eagerly await the next chapter, one thing is clear: Sir Patrick Stewart's return to the Star Trek universe has been a remarkable voyage filled with rediscovery and reimagining, reminding us all that sometimes, the past can illuminate the future.

Chris Post is a life-long fan of Star Trek who has been working in journalism for nearly 25 years.