Section 31 series: Star Trek and Paramount+ bosses promise "more news on that soon"

"Terra Firma, Part 1" -- Ep#309 -- Pictured: Michelle Yeoh as Georgiou of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS (C)2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
FEBRUARY 2, 2022 - At the Paramount+ event Tuesday held for the Television Critics Association there was a strong emphasis on Star Trek and what the streamer’s executives called their “always on” approach for Trek properties, meaning that at just about any given time there is new Star Trek in the offering. Variety reports that as part of this strategy they spoke to series that are in the development pipeline, including confirmation that the much-anticipated Section 31 show is still a “go.”
It's now been more than two years since it was first announced that Discovery co-star Michelle Yeoh would head up a Section 31 series as former Mirror Universe Emperor Philippa Georgiou. Since then development has continued at a snail’s pace, with occasional stories and rumors of movement but little official word.
Now fans have reason to be hopeful, with not one but two open references during the TCA event to continued work on Section 31. The first came from Nicole Clemens, president of scripted series on Paramount+, who said, “Yes, we are still in development on ‘Section 31,’ so there will be more news on that soon.” Later, during a panel focused on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, executive producer Alex Kurtzman echoed Clemens, remarking that he was currently working on the series. No further details were given.
Fans last saw Yeoh as Emperor Georgiou stepping into the Guardian of Forever in the Discovery season three episode, “Terra Firma Part 2.” At the time, the Guardian (as Carl) told her that the forecast for her next journey would be “Bumpy and painful….lots of rainstorms, heartaches.” That forecast may be proving true in the real world, but after Tuesday’s announcement there seems to be some sunlight breaking through after all.

Jack Brown is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. Jack teaches at a small film school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and also helps to manage his wife's career as a novelist and speaker. In his spare time he writes fiction, cooks, and watches classic movies.