Star Trek fan successfully lobbies for Wales to be officially recognized in the Klingon language

The country of Wales, part of the United Kingdom, has been formally recognized in the Klingon language
JULY 27, 2021 - For the past four years, the nation of Wales has been the only part of the United Kingdom lacking an important status: official recognition by the Klingon Empire. That has now been rectified by the efforts of one very passionate and persistent Star Trek fan, according to a story at Nation.Cymru, which advertises itself as “A news service by the people of Wales, for the people of Wales.”
The recognition comes from the Klingon Language Institute, a non-profit organization that has served to promote the Klingon language and culture since 1992. Welsh fan Alex Greene said he has been lobbying for years to have the KLI designate an official Klingon word for “Wales,” making Monday’s announcement a dream come true for the IT professional.
“They’d done all the other nations of the UK,” Greene said, “and Ireland was ‘Eyre’ in 2017, and it looked as if nobody else was going to finish the tea set, so I pushed for Wales to be recognized. And they finally confirmed it.” Greene, who is fluent in the language, went on to claim official status as Klingon Ambassador to Wales , or “we’lIS” (pronounced WEH-leesh) as it is now known.
If you want to become fluent like Alex Greene, and maybe one day self-appoint an ambassadorship of your own, you can start by visiting the Klingon Language Institute at If you’re brave enough to try, we at Daily Star Trek News wish you “Qapla'!”

Jack Brown is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. Jack teaches at a small film school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and also helps to manage his wife's career as a novelist and speaker. In his spare time he writes fiction, cooks, and watches classic movies.