Star Trek Guest Stars Sid Haig and Jack Donner Have Died

"Sid Haig" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
It’s been a tragic week for Star Trek fans, as we mourn the death of fan favorite Aron Eisenberg. But Star Trek has lost two more family members this week, guest stars who should be remembered as well.
According to a piece from The Hollywood Reporter, renowned horror film actor Sid Haig passed away on Saturday. He was 80. Star Trek fans will remember Haig as the First Lawgiver in the Original Series episode “Return of the Archons”. But he was best known for his character work in over 100 films, mostly in the horror genre. His widow, Suzie Haig, announced his death on his Instagram page, “On Saturday, Sept. 21, 2019, my light, my heart, my true love, my King, the other half of my soul, Sidney, passed from this realm on to the next. He has returned to the Universe, a shining star in her heavens. He was my angel, my husband, my best friend and always will be. He adored his family, his friends and his fans. This came as a shock to all of us."
Multiple reports have also announced the death of Jack Donner on Saturday, at the age of 90. Details are sparse and all sources cite a Memory Alpha post from the weekend, which is itself without citation. Donner was a prolific actor whose career spanned over 50 years and who, according to IMDb, was still working as of this year. Star Trek fans will know Donner as the Romulan Subcommander Tal, from the Original Series episode “The Enterprise Incident”. He also turned up on Star Trek: Enterprise twice, as a Vulcan in "Home" and "Kir'Shana”.
Please join me in sending condolences to the families of both actors.