Star Trek Logs Offer Hints About What the Next Generation Characters Have Been Up To In the Last 20 Years

Images: Official Star Trek Instagram.
FEBRUARY 14, 2023 – In two more days, it will be the premiere of season three of Star Trek: Picard. We’ve been spoiled, teased, and have been told about all of the cool things to expect. And while we’ll see the first episode in just over 48 hours, there are still new things being teased.
In the official Instagram account, the Star Trek logs are active. There’s a whole series of logs; each provides the backstory for a character or a ship featured in season 3. Clicking the link at the bottom will give you character-by-character accounts in the familiar LCARS display.
Keep reading for a few samples;
Lore and Soong
Brent Spiner is returning in season 3 and it has been announced that he’s playing Lore, Data’s ‘evil twin’ brother introduced in the first season of TNG.
Lore was last seen in 2370 as the leader of a cult of former Borg drones. At that encounter, Data deactivated him for the final time.
Lore’s mind and body have since been taken to Starfleet’s Daystrom Station along with the late Altan Soong’s research, (indicating the character died in the years between season 1 and season 3. Originally, Dr. Soong intended to download himself into a “golem” android, but that was used to resurrect Jean-Luc Picard instead). The Soong android B-4 was also stored at Daystrom in Japan after being disassembled.
The log for Jean-Luc Picard gives a good backstory but mostly covers what has been already seen in the first two seasons of Picard. However, the logs for the other TNG characters offer some insights into what they have been up to in the time since they were last seen onscreen.
Beverly Crusher
It’s not so easy to see what she’s been up to.
The log for Beverly Crusher picks up after her time as the Chief Medical Officer of the USS Enterprise-E: She later resigned from Starfleet, undertaking private medical missions throughout the Alpha and Beta Quadrants on her personal ship, the SS Eleos.
Worf gets promoted and then he gets classified.
Following his brief tenure as a diplomat, Worf returned to Starfleet serving aboard the USS Enterprise 1701-E and in other assignments that resulted in his promotion to the rank of Captain. His time aboard the Enterprise-E was brief, having stepped down after the incident above Kriilar Prime..
Geordi LaForge
Geordi’s log offers insights into his life after being the chief engineer of Enterprise-E:
La Forge trumps everyone in the series, receiving the rank of Commodore and then he was given a series of special assignments by Starfleet Command. His daughters Sidney and Alandra La Forge also currently serve in Starfleet.
Riker and Troi
Both still hold Starfleet rank
Riker returned to active duty in 2399, leading a fleet of Starfleet vessels to protect Jean-Luc Picard and the Synth home world Coppelius from Romulan attack. He continues his role in Starfleet, having most recently lent his expertise on the new Titan refit.
Commander Deanna Troi’s log is the shortest of them all:
Troi continues to hold a rank within Starfleet should her expertise be needed.
Commander Seven of Nine
Seven’s log shows how she fast-tracked through the academy:
Seven has kept her Borg designation even in Starfleet. It was revealed in season 2 that Seven had once failed to get into Starfleet, and the new log offers insight into how she eventually was able to get a commission: With help from Admirals Picard and Janeway, Seven received a Starfleet commission. She currently serves as First Officer on the USS Titan NCC-80102-A under the command of Captain Liam Shaw.
Raffi has La Sirena, but that’s basically all we know right now:
Commander Musiker’s personal details are classified” before it goes into her character history, including what we saw in the first two seasons of Picard. The log ends with: For years, Musiker has worked to overcome several addictions that plagued her life and Starfleet career, with the hope that she might reconnect with her son Gabe and his family. Rumors suggest she has left Starfleet entirely. Her present whereabouts are unknown.
Enterprise-E and Enterprise-F
It has already been revealed that the season will include the Enterprise-F, successor to the Enterprise-E last seen in Star Trek: Nemesis. Regarding Enterprise-E, the log ends with “Final Mission: CLASSIFIED.”
NCC-1701-F-Odyssey Class. Launched in 2386. Commanded by several captains in the past 15 years. Currently scheduled for decommissioning after the critical systems were compromised during the “the Monfette Gambit”, the rescue efforts for the Raillian refugees on Fenton IV. Enterprise-F’s final flight will be on display during this year’s Frontier Day.
The Titan has a storied history and some special features
The hero ship for season 3 is the USS Titan. This particular log was written by showrunner Terry Matalas and offers some more backstory about the ship and the history of the three ships (wait, what? Three ships?) of that name. The logs introduce a new ship into Trek history, the first ship to bear the name Titan, and it has a surprising link to a Trek character introduced in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. From the log:
NCC-1777-Shangri La Class. Launched in 2290 under the Command of Captain Saavik. Known for its multiple encounters with the Klingon Empire, including the Exo-Port Takeover and Horizon colony rescue. The Titan became Starfleet’s flagship under the recommendation of Captain Sulu of the Excelsior. The Titan was instrumental in maintaining frontier stability before the Khitomer accords and the subsequent launch of Enterprise-B.
The second Titan (NCC-80102) is a ship first mentioned at the end of Star Trek: Nemesis, and was first seen on the covers of a series of Star Trek: Titan books, and later in Star Trek: Lower Decks, under the command of Captain William T. Riker. According to the new log, the ship was pulled from service in 2398 after “suffering extensive damage.”
This leads to the USS Titan for season 3 of Picard, here is the description:
Because of Captains Saavik and Riker, the Titan’s legacy was continued with a brand-new starship, one that would retain its registry, but now with the “A” designation, an honor that is only given to a select few starships.
NCC-80102-A. Constitution III Class is referred to in Starfleet slang as Neo-Constitution Class. This new Titan is primarily an exploratory vessel, honoring the retro design of the Constitution Class II. Launched in 2402 under the command of Captain Liam Shaw. Work began on a refit using the original Titan space frame, however, with the development of cutting-edge technology, the Titan’s design changed mid-construction and a new ship took form. As per tradition, Starfleet engineers affectionately designated it as a refit, having kept much of the original Titan’s internal components.
The third and final season of Picard premieres on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023, exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., with new episodes of the 10-episode-long season available to stream weekly. Click the link to follow all the interactive logs. Instagram-Star Trek Logs. If you’re not currently a Paramount+ subscriber, we’ve got a special deal for you. Click through the link below and, when signing up for the service, enter the promo code PICARD for 1 month free! Offer ends on 4/30/23.

Thaddeus Tuffentsamer is an internationally selling author. His books have been sold in the US, the UK, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Italy, and France. He has a series of young reader novels, a satirical self-help book, (which, according to reviews, actually has some pretty solid counsel), and has joined the list of professional Sherlock Holmes authors.
He promises that his works will never contain profanity, gratuitous violence, or anything else that would prevent the entire family from enjoying them together.
He spends his days working in healthcare administration and in his evenings, in between plans for becoming “Lord Emperor of everything,” he types away at his keyboard letting his imagination out for the world to read.
He is fortunate to have a wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters. He currently lives in Goodyear Arizona with his wife.