Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols receives NASA Exceptional Public Achievement Medal at LA Comic Con

Nichelle Nichols, from the documentary Woman in Motion
DECEMBER 7, 2021 - She has been a woman in motion for over 50 years, but she made one of her retiring moves over last weekend.
People is relaying the details of the last convention appearance of Nichelle Nichols, Star Trek: The Original Series’ Nyota Uhura. Nichols made her final appearance at L.A. Comic Con, along with a host of family members and those she inspired in her role as Uhura and in her activism for diversity at NASA.
While Nichols did not make any public statements, she was there to meet her fans and to hear from many who look up to her, from her son, Kyle Johnson, who has often accompanied her at conventions, to astronaut Dr. Mae Jemison, who also appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation season six episode, “Second Chances.”
Star Trek: Discovery’s Captain Michael Burnham, Sonequa Martin-Green, said in part in a video tribute, "I remember the great ball of nervousness that was in my stomach as I was approaching her [at the Discovery premiere], but she whispered to me in my ear so delicately she said 'Take care. It's yours now.' And I melted. And I needed that. I needed that blessing. She made me feel welcomed. She made me feel justified and she made me feel empowered."
During a farewell panel on Sunday, Astronaut Appearance Specialist Denise Young bestowed on Nichols NASA’s Exceptional Public Achievement Medal for her forty years of activism in diversifying NASA’s ranks. Nichols rose from her wheelchair to accept the award to a standing ovation.
Kyle Johnson said afterward, "A life well-lived is reward enough, every day, and my mother's certainly had a life well lived in many respects." He told the audience, "This is an exceptional recognition, and I'm of course very proud of her for all that she's done, and the value and the meaning of her work. Not just as an actress, but very real and important work that she inspired and enabled people to understand."
For more on Nichelle Nichols’ final convention appearance and the tributes to her, head over to

David is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. He is a librarian, baseball fan, and book and movie buff. He has also written for American Libraries and Skeptical Inquirer. David also enjoys diverse music, but leans toward classical and jazz. He plays a mean radio.