The Star Trek Genesis Trilogy Anniversary Special is now avaialble from booksellers

AUGUST 4, 2022 - As we reported earlier this week, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is returning to theaters next month. It’s all part of the Summer of Sweet Revenge, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the film’s release. To help celebrate that milestone, Titan Books has released a book, looking back on the trilogy that TWOK kicked off. The book’s synopsis describes it thus:
The Wrath of Khan, The Search for Spock, and The Voyage Home – the Genesis Trilogy of Star Trek movies has a firm place in the hearts of Trek fans of all ages. Taking us from a deadly villain, a tragedy on the Enterprise, and to a heart-warming reunion, this special book explores the making of the classic saga. Featuring classic interviews, in-depth features and amazing imagery. has a special sneak peek at the hardcover, with an excerpt from an interview with Writer/Director of TWOK Nicholas Meyer. In the excerpt, he talks about his love of recycling things and ideas. His love of refurbished buildings translated into recycling a villain from The Original Series, Khan Noonien Singh.
When Star Trek Magazine (rebranded these days as Star Trek Explorer) asked Meyer if he regretted that Kirk and Khan never confronted each other face-to-face in the film, Meyer replied in the negative, adding, “If there’s a regret I have – which I didn’t have for the first 20 years and then somebody pointed it out to me, and I thought, ‘There’s an interesting missed moment’ – it’s that Khan never sees Kirk get away. He goes to his death believing that he succeeded. I wonder, if I’d thought of it, would I have?”
You can read the rest of the excerpt at and, of course, the entire interview plus so much more by purchasing the book at Amazon.

T is the Managing Editor for Daily Star Trek News and a contributing writer for Sherlock Holmes Magazine and a Shakespeare nerd. He may have been the last professional Stage Manager to work with Leonard Nimoy, has worked Off-Broadway and regionally, and is the union Stage Manager for Legacy Theatre, where he is currently working with Julie Andrews. after which he’ll be working on Richard III at Elm Shakespeare Company.