Tig Notaro on Bringing Humor to the STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Via Jett Reno

Tig Notaro as Jett Reno in STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Image: Paramount +.
Tig Notaro is known as a comedian, but she was surprised to find herself playing a comedic role as Jett Reno in Star Trek: Discovery. Notaro, known for her dry wit and understated delivery, said she discovered the humorous aspects of her character only after reading the scripts. The revelation came during an upcoming interview with Screen Rant, where Notaro highlighted the crucial role of the writers in shaping her character's comedic appeal.
"It's 100% the writing," Notaro said, expressing her delight over the script's quality. "That was one of the fun surprises. I didn't know my character was going to be comedic."
Notaro, a self-proclaimed Star Wars aficionado, also mentioned how the project's executive producer, Alex Kurtzman, incorporated elements familiar to fans of the epic space saga.
"I think he said that he watched and listened to a lot of my stand-up and kind of folded in the vibe of Han Solo, in the character as well," she explained.
This unique blend of Notaro's comedic style and the roguish charm of Han Solo resulted in a character that resonated well with her, making the scripts a joy to read.
"I was truly laughing out loud because I couldn't wait to say these lines," Notaro recalled.
The influence of the writers extended beyond just the crafting of her character, as Notaro pointed out during a recent corporate event in Denver. When asked by fans if she had a hand in the creation of her lines, she was quick to credit the writers.
"No, I don't at all. Really, all of it is the writers," she affirmed.
Notaro's experience underscores the significant impact that thoughtful writing can have on a production, enhancing the performance of actors and the overall enjoyment of the audience. As she continues to navigate her career, it's clear that the interplay between writing and performance remains a crucial element of her success.

Chris Post is a life-long fan of Star Trek who has been working in journalism for nearly 25 years.