A New Teaser Trailer Has Been Released for Video Game 'Star Trek: Infinite' and It Looks Epic!

Image: Paradox Interactive.
JUNE 20, 2023 - During Summer Game Fest 2023, an announcement was made that a new strategic video game is coming soon! What is that game, you say? It’s the new Star Trek: Infinite game that’s coming this August for PC and Mac! The game was announced in honor of Picard Day. The gameplay takes place in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, according to Paradox Interactive: “....takes players on a thrilling journey through space, placing them in the heart of the galactic struggles between the powers.” The teaser trailer that shows gameplay is awe-inspiring and could be complex if it involves the Borg.
The strategy game is pretty cool itself. Players are asked to decide on a course of action based on which faction they choose to play as: the United Federation of Planets, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union, or the Klingon Empire. Each faction comes with different side quests. The game will take hours to play as fans of Star Trek will go all over and explore Alpha and Beta Quadrants.
If you love Star Trek: The Next Generation, you should check out Star Trek: Infinite. The game takes place before TNG and it will give you a more in-depth look at what could have been as the player will tackle objectives in different story modes. Even if you’re a beginner or not even a Star Trek fan, Infinite is a game that you don’t want to miss out on.
Besides going into your ship and exploring the galaxy during your journey with the game, you could even visit other planets. You’ll experience the game in new ways every time you play. If you want to know more about Star Trek: Infinite, go to paradoxInteractive.
Checking out Star Trek: Infinite is a must for everyone who is into gaming or the Star Trek franchise. Everything will be new for the player who decides to start the new game. Who knows what else the game would bring for players? You just have to wait until fall to be able to play it.

Khrista has been a fan of Star Trek since the late 1990s. Her favorite Trek series is Deep Space Nine and her favorite characters are Bashir and Garak! Besides Star Trek, she’s into a lot of things, like anime, gaming, movies, reading, etc. She likes writing and she does write fanfiction but she is hoping to improve more of her writing.