ANOVOS updates customers on its Star Trek products

ANOVOS + Star Trek
ANOVOS is one of the few licensed producers of Star Trek branded uniforms and franchise-related gear. It is well-known for its beautifully-detailed and screen-accurate products, which often come with a hefty price tag. They’re also, unfortunately, well-known for being glacially sluggish with their production schedules, which has even spurred a lawsuit. However, at least to date, those who have had the stamina to wait out the long production lines and delays have always gotten their highly-coveted products.
On December 26th, ANOVOS published a blog entry (available on the ANOVOS web site) detailing their latest production schedule of licensed products. In terms of Star Trek, this was the first such posting since July 10th, 2019 - two quarters ago. How have things changed over those two quarters? A few of their items are still going to be shipped on the schedule previously mentioned, but many of the items are being delayed by another quarter. Even more of their items are being delayed by two more quarters.
This news has been received (by dedicated costuming fans) with a predictable mix of resignation and frustration. But in general, the increased communication from ANOVOS, and the company’s attempts to redesign their business model to something more speedy, is meeting approval from their most diehard supporters.