NewsDavid PowellBooks

Author Robb Pearlman talks Gene's vision and fun with Star Trek, ahead of his upcoming book Starfleet Is...

NewsDavid PowellBooks
Author Robb Pearlman talks Gene's vision and fun with Star Trek, ahead of his upcoming book Starfleet Is...
Starfleet Is… by Robb Pearlman

Starfleet Is… by Robb Pearlman

AUGUST 30, 2021 - If you’ve ever wanted to learn something wise from Star Trek, get fit like a member of Starfleet, or just have some fun with Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, you might have consulted books by Robb Pearlman. He is a pop culturalist and a #1 New York Times bestselling author and has written or edited more than 35 Trek-themed and many other books.

Soon to appear is his Starfleet is…: Celebrating the Federation’s Ideals. We caught up with Robb to hear more about this book (and its foreword by Star Trek: Discovery’s Kenneth Mitchell) and about his personal history with Star Trek, which began with Star Trek: The Original Series reruns. We also discovered what the vision of Star Trek means to Robb, what it was like for him to get to know Kenneth Mitchell, how he has fun with Trek, and what’s coming next in addition to Starfleet is….

While you have your hand in a number of licensed properties among your publications, you are wearing a Star Trek t-shirt in your author bio picture. Is it safe to say that Star Trek holds a special place, and how did you come to Star Trek

Truth be told, my wardrobe is about 50% Star Trek t-shirts. I was lucky enough to grow up in a time when TOS was in syndication and played on local tv stations after school and on the weekends, so it was on a lot. And because Star Trek was one of the few shows that the entire family could watch together, I have fond memories of sharing the experience with my parents and grandparents. We'd all be getting something different out of it, but all enjoying it in our own way, together. And because Star Trek has always been in the atmosphere, growing and evolving just as I have, I've been able to experience--and re-experience it--in both new and old ways throughout my life. And now, as an author and publisher, I get to experience the joy of interacting and sharing Star Trek with more fans than I could have ever imagined! 

Your upcoming book, Starfleet Is… is meant, as the subtitle says, to celebrate the Federation’s ideals as well as Gene Roddenberry’s vision for humanity. Star Trek fans talk a lot about “Gene’s vision.” What does that mean to you personally?

For me, Roddenberry's vision is ultimately about hope. It's about a universe in which people work for the common good, where science and art are valued more than money. Where compassion, cooperation, and the celebration of infinite diversity in infinite combinations advances society not to perfection, but to at least something greater. It's an optimistic belief in humanity's ability to transcend its self-imposed restrictions to literally and figuratively reach for the stars. 

Kenneth Mitchell, who plays multiple roles on Star Trek: Discovery and is living with ALS, wrote the foreword to Starfleet Is… Why was it important to have his words in the book?

I was lucky enough to get to know Ken during our times together on the Official Star Trek Cruises. His ALS diagnosis has certainly shown a spotlight on the disease, but it's also given people an opportunity to see beneath the layers of prosthetics and makeup to really see the core of who he is: a warm, grounded, hard working, hilarious, brave, and sincere guy who truly appreciates the passion folks have for Star Trek. He understands - and has himself demonstrated - that if you're part of the Star Trek orbit, be it as an actor, writer, crew, or fan, you're a part of a family. A family that might disagree every once in a while, but a family who will love and support one another - unconditionally - when the chips are down (or the Romulans are attacking). I knew that he'd understand what the book's mission was, and his bold and beautiful foreword proved that out. I'm extraordinarily grateful that Ken was able to find the time to contribute to the book. I'm very proud that a portion of the proceeds of the book will go toward ALS research and am even prouder to consider Ken a pal. 

As seriously as we can take these things, you can also turn around and write books like Fun with Kirk and Spock or Redshirt’s Little Book of Doom. What does it mean for you to take the “vision” seriously yet find ways to have fun with it?

I think one of the reasons I'm able to have fun with Star Trek is because my takes on the characters and stories are always coming from a place of deep love and respect. As a fan and a writer, I'm not interested in making fun of anything. I think it's much more interesting and satisfying to look at things from a different angle. Even if that angle is as tilted as many TOS scenes were shot! I like to include references and ideas for both casual and superfans, so they're welcoming and offer something for everyone to enjoy and relate to. This is my sixth Star Trek book. It's been a great honor and privilege that the good folks at ViacomCBS have not only understood my vision but have trusted me to play a small part in the Star Trek universe.  

Which Star Trek series is your favorite?

I get asked this question a lot at conventions, and my answer always changes depending on my mood, what episode I just watched, what cosplayer I just saw, or even what's going on in the world. But the real answer is: They're all my favorite because they're all Star Trek

Finally, what is coming up for you? Any projects you would be willing and at liberty to talk about?

I'm very fortunate to have a lot of really fun and exciting books coming out in the next year, but unfortunately I can't talk about most of them! But in the immediate future, I'm really looking forward to getting Live Like a Vulcan, Love Like a Wookiee, Laugh Like a Hobbit: Life Lessons from Pop Culture, and Star Trek: The Book of Grudge out into the world this fall.

Thanks to Robb Pearlman for taking the time to answer our questions! Starfleet is…: Celebrating the Federation’s Ideals will be released on September 7th, and a portion of the proceeds will benefit ALS research. Robb’s books are available on or wherever you get your books.

David is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. He is a librarian, baseball fan, and book and movie buff. He has also written for American Libraries and Skeptical Inquirer. David also enjoys diverse music, but leans toward classical and jazz. He plays a mean radio.