Did You Catch That Sneaky Easter Egg in Star Trek: Picard Last Week?

Billy Campbell as Okona in STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION. Image: Paramount.
MARCH 30, 2023 – You’ll find it “outrageous” when you realize the easter eggs you missed in Star Trek: Picard season 3, episode 5, “Imposters.”
Back in the day, in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 2, episode 4, we were introduced to a scoundrel freighter captain by the name of Thadiun Okona. You can refresh yourself about it at Memory Alpha. Essentially, he got involved in some hijinks in the episode and then we never saw him again…until we did.
On Star Trek: Prodigy season 1, episode 14, “Crossroads,” he appears again when he tries to help the kids find transport to the Federation. Until it all fell apart. You can watch a quick clip of the episode from our friends at IMDb here.
In “Imposters,” Worf and Raffi look for answers on how the Changelings got into Daystrom. Looking over a list of deceased Ferengi gangster Sneed's known associates, which later leads them to the Vulcan gangster Krinn, whose name is two positions above that of Thadiun Okona of Omega.
For extra credit, Quark was also listed as an associate of Sneed’s. Okona had made it clear that he lives outside the morals of the Federation. So, it's not a surprise that Okona's path has put him in steed with Sneed.
And, let’s not forget the time he also showed up in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2, episode 5, "An Embarrassment of Dooplers." He played a DJ doing a set at the after-party for Starfleet's Command Conference. But that’s a story for another day.
Eagle-eyed viewers will see that his lifestyle has cost him an eye since he encountered the Enterprise crew in the Omega Sagitta system. We still have 4 episodes left, so keep an eye out and count up the eggs that will show up later.

Thaddeus Tuffentsamer is an internationally selling author. His books have been sold in the US, the UK, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Italy, and France. He has a series of young reader novels, a satirical self-help book, (which, according to reviews, actually has some pretty solid counsel), and has joined the list of professional Sherlock Holmes authors.
He promises that his works will never contain profanity, gratuitous violence, or anything else that would prevent the entire family from enjoying them together.
He spends his days working in healthcare administration and in his evenings, in between plans for becoming “Lord Emperor of everything,” he types away at his keyboard letting his imagination out for the world to read.
He is fortunate to have a wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters. He currently lives in Goodyear Arizona with his wife.