Elyse Rosenstein, early Star Trek convention organizer, has died at 69

An early convention. Image credit unknown
Elyse Rosenstein, one of the organizers of the first Star Trek convention, back in 1972, has died. News of her death was reported in respected science fiction fanzine File 770 last Thursday, February 20th. According to File 770, Rosenstein had been undergoing rehabilitation after suffering a broken leg. She was 69.
In addition to being part of the organizing committee for the first Star Trek convention, Rosenstein, together with her then-husband Steve, also ran Nova Enterprises, which sold Trek-related merchandise.
Outside of Star Trek, Rosenstein was a scientist and spent more than two decades teaching science. According to File 770, she was a member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the Long Island Physics Teachers Association.
Rosenstein is survived by her son Michael. Please join me in sending condolences to her family.