MEME REVIEW MONDAY: The Best Place to Be, Yar Disappointment, and a List of Starships

More Monday Memes!
OCTOBER 16, 2023 - Hello, and welcome back to another Monday Meme Review! We’ve got some exciting memes lined up for you today so let’s get right into it.
Starting off we have a meme submitted by our number one fan, Mala (hi Mala!).
This meme is perfectly horrifying and I love it. I decided to include it in this week’s meme review because it is very relevant to current events. In case you didn’t know, this is an edit of the Teletubby baby sun. The Teletubbies aired in the 1990s and now not only is the baby all grown up, she’s having a baby of her own! I hope for her sake her baby doesn’t end up being Gowron.
Next up we have a meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
I love how much effort went into this meme. The more you read it the more little easter eggs you find. This meme is especially relevant for me as I have a week off and this is exactly what I plan on doing.
Next up is yet another meme submitted by Mala (hi again!).
This meme is just plain good old fun and I am all here for it. I like the spooky vibe. It’s getting me in the Halloween Spirit. I can’t tell if this is edited or not, but I really hope this is real. I am choosing to believe that this is exactly what McCoy’s grave looks like in-universe. It’s my new favorite headcanon.
Next up we have a meme that my friend sent me (hi Alex!).
Alex is actually the friend who convinced me to watch Star Trek, so I wouldn’t be writing for you today if it weren’t for Alex. He sent me this because this is exactly what happened when he witnessed me watching TNG. I loved, and still love, Tasha Yar. I really wish I could have seen her character develop more. I loved her dynamic with Data and I would have been really curious to see where that went. Alas, producers had to be sexist so I was deprived of that wonderful plotline.
Next up we have a meme I’ve actually had saved in my camera roll for a while that I came across when freeing up space.
I love Brooklyn 99 and I love this meme format. It does not get used enough. According to Wikipedia there are actually 11 different versions of the Enterprise (that we’ve seen), so this guy actually managed to name 11 starships. He really exceeded expectations.
Next up we have a very cryptic summary of DS9.
Next time someone asks me what DS9 is about I will just send them this. Sisko and Jake are missing which is absolutely tragic, however I still quite enjoy this.
This meme is technically a Tweet, but I got it from @entirelyillogical on Instagram so I’ve deemed it a meme. Plus it is funny.
This person has absolutely wonderful taste, the one exception being office parties, those are not my favorite. Next time I need to pitch Star Trek to someone I will send them this tweet. Anyone who is even remotely cool will instantly want to watch Star Trek.
Finally, we have a meme made by yours truly. There are some mild spoilers for the newest Star Trek: Lower Decks episode so be warned.
I absolutely loved the new Lower Decks episode. I love Badgy as a character so I figured I would enjoy it, however, it is probably my favorite Lower Decks episode yet. I loved how it brought back some amazing beloved characters and gave them wonderful redemption arcs. I’m excited to see what the writers do with Goodgey in the future.
That’s all I have for you guys this week! See you next Monday!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.