Preview Star Trek: Discovery 3x12 "There Is A Tide..." with new stills and sneak peek video clip

"There Is A Tide..." -- Ep#312 -- Pictured (L-R): Emily Coutts as Lt. Keyla Detmer, Ronnie Rowe Jr as Lt. Bryce, Noah Averbach-Katz as Ryn, David Ajala as Book and Mary Wiseman as Ensign Silvia Tilly of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DECEMBER 29, 2020 - We’re in the home stretch now for Star Trek: Discovery, with just two episodes left of the third season. Last time, in “Su’Kal”, we learned that a young Kelpien called Su’Kal was the cause of The Burn. Now the team have to help Su’Kal, prevent another Burn, and hopefully escape with their lives. Saru, Culber and Adira are trapped on the dilithium planet with the boy, while Burnham and Book are left to try and mount a rescue of Discovery, which has been commandeered by Osyraa and the Emerald Chain and taken to Federation HQ. Quite a pickle!
This week’s preview pics don’t give us much, except a lot of concerned faces (understandable, under the circumstances). But it’s a fair assumption to say that we can expect a ramp up in the suspense, ahead of the series finale on January 7th.
Oh yeah, and look forward this week to an appearance by Kenneth Mitchell, who said back in September that he would be appearing as a human in two episodes of Discovery season three. Since we haven’t seen him yet, we should be seeing him in “There Is A Tide…”
Browse the preview stills below, or keep scrolling for the sneak peek, courtesy of last week’s The Ready Room with Wil Wheaton.