Preview the finale of Star Trek: Discovery - "The Hope That is You, Part 2" - with new stills and sneak peek video

"The Hope That is You, Part 2" -- Ep#313 -- Pictured: Blu del Barrio as Adira, Ian Alexander as Gray and Wilson Cruz as Dr. Hugh Culber of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
JANUARY 5, 2020 - Let’s just get it out of the way: the title of the Star Trek: Discovery season three finale has changed. It has been “Outside” on IMDb up until this week, and according to the CBS assets, it’s now “The Hope That is You, Part 2”. Of course, that doesn’t match “That Hope Is You, Part 1” (the season opener), and Wil Wheaton calls this episode “That Hope Is You, Part 2” in the sneak peek below, so who knows what it’s really called?! Matters of pedantry aside, this season finale promises to be nail-biting.
When we left Discovery last week, in “There Is A Tide…”, negotiations for peace between the Federation and the Emerald Chain were breaking down, Burnham had her Die Hard-style assault cut short by Zareh (after rescuing Stamets, to be fair), and the DOT-23s showed up with the Sphere Data. It was an exciting week’s show, packed with action and the highly-anticipated appearance of Kenneth Mitchell as the human invigilator, Aurellio.
This week, we can expect to resolve the action on the dilithium planet, hopefully rescue Su’Kal and save the Federation, all in one episode. How will our heroes do it all? Have a look through the latest screenshots and see if you can figure it out. And keep scrolling for a sneak peek at this week’s season finale, courtesy of The Ready Room with Wil Wheaton.