Preview Star Trek: Discovery 3x10 "Terra Firma Pt. 2" with new still and sneak peek video!

"Terra Firma, Part 2" -- Ep#310 -- Pictured: Doug Jones as Saru and Michelle Yeoh as Georgiou of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
DECEMBER 14, 2020 - And now, the thrilling conclusion…
Emperor Georgiou is back in the Mirror Universe. Or is she?
She’s teamed up with Mirror Burnham. Or has she?
They’re going to put right what once went wrong. Or will they?
This week we’ll see part two to last week’s “Terra Firma Part 1”, in which Georgiou walked through a mysterious door and ended up in the Mirror Universe. She’s trying to change her past and fix her illness at the same time. But will it work?
See what you can glean from the latest batch of pictures from Star Trek: Discovery season three, episode 10,“Terra Firma Part 2”, and keep scrolling for a sneak peek video of the episode, courtesy of The Ready Room.