Short Treks “The Trouble with Edward” Trailer Points to a New Tribble Threat

Star Trek has released a new trailer for the next Short Treks episode, “The Trouble with Edward”, due out on Thursday. The short, 30-second trailer hasn’t got a lot of time for details, but it’s just enough to whet one’s appetite. It’s worth mentioning that there doesn’t seem to be any new footage here, and the “new” trailer appears to be a recut of the larger Star Trek Short Treks trailer from San Diego Comic Con.
So what’s in the trailer? Star Trek’s description of “The Trouble with Edward” reads: “Newly minted Captain Lynne Lucero (Rosa Salazar) is excited to take command of the U.S.S. Cabot, until she meets Edward Larkin (H. Jon Benjamin), an ornery scientist who believes he has found a revolutionary new use for tribbles…” Viewers might recognize Rosa Salazar as the lead from Alita: Battle Angel, and her co-star H. Jon Benjamin is best known for his starring role as the voice of Sterling Archer in Archer, a role he’s played since 2009.
Star Trek fans familiar with previous tribble-based Star Trek episodes will recognize the storytelling in this trailer: at first the tribbles seem cute and harmless, escalating quickly to the end when, by sheer force of numbers, they threaten to over-run the entire ship. But a quip by Captain Pike halfway through saying “Don’t show any weakness...or they will eat you alive” leads us to think maybe these tribbles are not quite as gentle as the ones from The Original Series.
For what it’s worth, it seems more likely that Pike’s words are of encouragement as Lucero embarks on her first voyage as captain, given the description of the episode. But could the trailer have been edited to imply the existence of - and this is pure speculation - cannibal tribbles? Star Trek Online players know them all too well.
You can watch the trailer for yourself on YouTube now, and the Star Trek Short Treks episode “The Trouble with Edward” comes out tomorrow, on CBS All Access.
This article was written for the podcast Daily Star Trek News.
Alison Pitt is the writer, producer, and host of Daily Star Trek News, on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. A veteran Star Trek podcaster, she started her career on the weekly show Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast in 2015. She has appeared on panels at Star Trek Las Vegas, WonderCon, and San Diego Comic Con.