SONS OF STAR TREK Set to Hit Shelves Next Year

Image: IDW.
OCTOBER 20, 2023 - The upcoming IDW comic book series Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek is set to expand the universe of Star Trek comics, featuring a new four-issue miniseries that was announced during the Star Trek: Boldly Going panel at New York Comic Con. According to, the series is a spin-off from the Star Trek: Day of Blood event, which was Star Trek's first-ever comic book crossover event, uniting the crews of IDW's ongoing Star Trek series and its Star Trek: Defiant spinoff.
The storyline centers around Jake Sisko and Alexander Rozhenko, the sons of notable characters Benjamin Sisko and Worf, respectively. In the aftermath of the Day of Blood event, both sons find themselves grappling with their identities and destinies. The plot thickens as they are plunged into an alternate universe, wherein they follow in their fathers' footsteps more explicitly, each joining Starfleet and serving aboard the U.S.S. Burton. In this alternate reality, they encounter other offspring of Star Trek characters, including Nog and Q Junior. There's also a tease about the possibility of Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher's recently revealed son, Jack, making his comic book debut in this series.
The creative team behind this series includes writer Morgan Hampton, who previously wrote Cyborg for DC, and veteran Star Trek comics artist Angel Hernandez. The first issue of Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek is scheduled to go on sale on March 13, 2024.

Chris Post is a life-long fan of Star Trek who has been working in journalism for nearly 25 years.