MEME REVIEW MONDAY: Wishes, Feelings, Warp Speed, and More

MEME REVIEW MONDAY: Wishes, Feelings, Warp Speed, and More

Aster’s at it again, with a new crop of memes!

OCTOBER 23, 2023 - Hello, and welcome back to another Meme Review Monday. I know you’ve been waiting all week for this so let’s jump right in!

This first meme is from @philly_dragonfly on Instagram.

Tilly is one of my favorite Star Trek characters ever. I think she brings so much joy and light into an otherwise very dark show. I also love Tuvok or as I like to call him: the most Vulcan Vulcan to ever Vulcan. I like to imagine this as “there are two wolves inside you” except here it’s “there are two Starfleet officers inside you.” 

Next up we have a meme that was sent to me by a friend (hi Ian!). 

I know the Barbenheimer memes are over, however, I found this to be amazing and incredibly accurate. I think this meme really speaks for itself. I’m not sure what more I could add, except that because of this meme I’ve decided that Picard is Barbie and Riker is Ken. I don’t think I could elaborate more on that. 

Next up we have a meme from @trekcasttng on Instagram. 

Memes such as these never fail to make me laugh. Every time someone complains that Star Trek is “too woke these days” I wonder if they have ever actually seen a Star Trek episode. I could give numerous examples of Star Trek being “woke” before woke was even a term. However this is a meme review, so I will save that for another article.

Side note: if you are looking for a good way to entertain yourself for 30 minutes, open up Amazon, click on any of the new Star Trek shows (I recommend DISCO but any will work), and go to one-star reviews. Some are valid but most are complaining about how Star Trek is brainwashing the youth or something of that sort. 

Next up we have a meme from @star.trekmemes on Instagram.

This meme is so incredibly relatable for me, especially this week. I am visiting home and I decided to watch the new Lower Decks on the TV in our living room. My father decided to check in and see what I was doing during the scene where Rutherford was giving birth. Though the look on his face was priceless, I’m not sure if I could have logically explained what was happening even if I wanted to.

I found this meme on Twitter but I don’t know who the original creator is. It’s been circulating for a while now. 

This meme definitely made me lol (by lol I mean laugh out loud not Locutus our lord). After reading this all the way through I just have one question: what exactly does “getting borgy” involve? Did you assimilate your friends and coworkers? Have you joined a hivemind? Have you questioned your sense of individuality in an ever-connecting world? All of the above? I need answers.

Next up we have another meme from @trekcasttng on Instagram. 

Poor Harry Kim. He is always the butt of every joke and yet never gets promoted for it. At least he can relate to the Ensigns on Delta Shift. I have to say I don’t understand why this meme used the terrifying Will Smith Genie and not the classic animated Genie. I find the Will Smith one to be incredibly uncanny. 

Next up we have another meme from @trekcasttng 

As a huge Star Trek and Star Wars fan, I love the memes where they jokingly poke fun at one another. I think they’re both great and one question I absolutely hate getting is “do you think Star Trek or Star Wars is better?” I think that anyone who has actually seen both will agree with me that they are so fundamentally different and thus incomparable. However Star Trek ships can canonically go faster, but Star Wars ships can blow up planets. I wonder who would win in a fight. 

Finally we have a meme made by yours truly.

I’m beginning the process of applying for summer internships and this is my current mood. I’m not a STEM kid so it’s not like I’d be a very useful Starfleet officer, but a man can dream. Perhaps one day I’ll work on a Star Trek show, that’s a pretty close second to Starfleet Officer. 

Ok, that’s all I have for you guys this week! I’ll see you next week. Remember to submit any memes you would like to see me review!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.