Star Trek Conventions Aren’t Just for Grown-ups

Star Trek Las Vegas 2019
If you’ve ever considered taking your kids to a Star Trek convention, then a recent video posted by will convince you that conventions aren’t just for grown-ups.
Kendra James, managing editor for, took to the Rio All-Suites Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas for the Star Trek Las Vegas Convention. While there, she took the opportunity to talk to some of the convention’s youngest attendees.
The kids she spoke to ranged in age from toddlers to teens, and all were dressed in Star Trek cosplay. The level of Star Trek knowledge some of them displayed was impressive, with one young boy (being pulled in a wagon by his parents) saying that Discovery was his favorite series, but that he’d seen all the rest too...and called them out by name.
A couple of Star Trek celebrities made appearances in the video, too. At one point, Gates McFadden stopped to give a high five to a young girl in an astronaut’s uniform. And later, Aron Eisenberg, Deep Space Nine’s Nog, interrupted an interview with an older girl dressed as Seven of Nine, to say #PlayAFerengi. “Play a Ferengi”, of course, is a nod to his several appearances in Star Trek Online. closed out the video with the kids flashing the Vulcan hand symbol for live long and prosper. A couple of them had a little difficulty with the finger placement, but on the whole, they all look well on the way to being full-fledged Trekkies.
This article was written for the podcast Daily Star Trek News.
Alison Pitt is the writer, producer, and host of Daily Star Trek News, on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. A veteran Star Trek podcaster, she started her career on the weekly show Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast in 2015. She has appeared on panels at Star Trek Las Vegas, WonderCon, and San Diego Comic Con.