Star Trek: Discovery season 3 promotional artwork shows off new-style combadge

Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Discovery, both coming soon to CBS All Access
Heads up, costume nerds! It looks like we’re getting a new Starfleet combadge for Star Trek: Discovery season three.
The observant folks over at TrekCore pointed out the new design yesterday on some new CBS All Access promotional artwork. The artwork is a split design, half Star Trek: Lower Decks and half Discovery, with the latter half depicting just Michael Burnham in Discovery uniform, sporting a distinctly new-looking badge.
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— Star Trek on CBS All Access (@startrekcbs) August 3, 2020
In an article yesterday, TrekCore dove deeper into the new design, noting that, like the Discovery badges from seasons one and two, this one is a combination of delta and rank pips. They also note that this technically isn’t the first time we’ve seen the new badge: back in November of last year, Discovery actor Wilson Cruz, who plays Doctor Culber on the series, posted (and later deleted) an image showing himself and fellow actor Raven Dauda, both sporting the new badges.
Of course, it’s not clear what the origin of the new badge is: the last we saw the Discovery, they were heading into the future, and we’ve been led to believe from the trailer that the Federation is in some trouble. So the answer to whether the new combadges are from the future Federation, or a U.S.S. Discovery in-house redesign, or something else, will have to wait until the Star Trek: Discovery season three premiere, on October 15th, on CBS All Access.