CBS All Access releases new Star Trek: Discovery teaser and artwork - for real, this time

CBS All Access releases new Star Trek: Discovery teaser and artwork - for real, this time
Star Trek: Discovery season 3 teaser trailer

Star Trek: Discovery season 3 teaser trailer

CBS All Access have released a new teaser trailer for Star Trek: Discovery season three. The visual style of the new teaser and accompanying promotional artwork very closely matches the artwork that was circulated prematurely on social media last month, before being removed.

In the wordless, 15-second teaser, we see Michael Burnham, in what is decidedly NOT Starfleet uniform, standing atop a rock holding a tattered - but flying - flag of the United Federation of Planets. The color palette is a warm brown-to-orange tone, a distinct visual departure from previous seasons of Discovery, which tended more towards blue and purple (with a dollop of red angel).

And that’s pretty much the whole content of the video - Burnham standing on a rock - but the end titles do say, “Star Trek: Discovery - New Season Coming Soon”.

We’ve still had no official word on when we can expect Star Trek: Discovery to start streaming, although we do know from a comment by Anthony Rapp earlier this week that post-production is continuing despite the coronavirus shutdown - with editors and visual effects artists working from home. The timing of the teaser is surely deliberately coincidental with the finale of Star Trek: Picard, as CBS All Access will be looking to retain the record number of viewers who joined the service back in January.

In the meantime, while we wait for an updated premiere date for Discovery season three, you can watch all of seasons one and two, and of course, Picard, on CBS All Access now.

h/t to TrekCore for highlighting the new goods.