Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Trailer Implies Starfleet are “Ghosts”

Star Trek’s main stage panel at New York Comic Con on Saturday was chock full of content. They showed a new Star Trek: Picard trailer, announced the upcoming lineup of Short Treks, and gave us our first look at a teaser trailer for season three of Star Trek: Discovery, now in production.
In the minute-long trailer, we first see Burnham covered in rubble - apparently having crash-landed in the future, without Discovery. She is later joined by newcomer Book, as they hike across a rocky plain, where he tells her that her Starfleet badge means she “believe[s] in ghosts”. At some point they find a man alone in a white office, who unfurls a hidden Federation flag and tells Burnham that she is his “hope”. We also see the crew of Discovery back together again, so we know they are reunited at some point.
As with all teaser trailers, there’s not much of a narrative to piece together here, but plenty of details for Star Trek fans to pore over, if you’re so inclined. We see glimpses of action on the Discovery and off, some familiar alien species like Lurian, Andorian and Trill, and plenty of implication that something has gone wrong with the Federation and the crew of Discovery will have to fix it.
You can view the teaser trailer for yourself on YouTube, now. But you’ll have to wait until late 2020 for the new season to be available for streaming.
This article was written for the podcast Daily Star Trek News.
Alison Pitt is the writer, producer, and host of Daily Star Trek News, on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. A veteran Star Trek podcaster, she started her career on the weekly show Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast in 2015. She has appeared on panels at Star Trek Las Vegas, WonderCon, and San Diego Comic Con.