Star Trek fan recreates dozens of costumes in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons for Nintendo Switch
Are you ready for a Star Trek and Animal Crossing animal crossover?
One intrepid Star Trek fan has taken it upon himself to recreate more than 30 Star Trek costumes in the new Nintendo Switch game Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Last week, Max Trohel posted on Facebook’s Star Trek Shitposting page, “Some Animal Crossing players here?” and included dozens of screenshots of all the in-game costumes he’d created. Among the available costumes are uniforms from all the series including Picard, plus Monster Maroons from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Q’s costume from “Encounter at Farpoint”, and Wesley Crusher’s famous sweater.
Trohel says that in order to use the costumes, you’ll need to have unlocked the Able Sisters’ shop in the game, and you’ll need to have a Nintendo Switch Online account. But once you’ve done all that, you can use the codes in his screenshots to get the costumes for yourself.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is now available, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.