Star Trek Online Announces new Discovery Content Featuring Anthony Rapp

Star Trek Online: Awakening
Star Trek Online is continuing its track record of attracting top voice talent to its massively popular, massively-multiplayer online role-playing game. brought us the news on Wednesday that we will soon be getting a new update to the game, called “Awakening”, and it will feature Star Trek: Discovery star Anthony Rapp, in the role of Lt. Paul Stamets. Syfy Wire describes the new content: “Following in the footsteps of last year's multi-part saga, Age of Discovery, which first introduced the characters and timeline of the current Star Trek: Discovery series into the game world, ‘Awakening’ players will embark on a mission in 2410 to recover stolen Mycelial technology from J’Ula and the Klingons. Captains (what players are called in the MMORPG game) will have to rely on the astromycology expertise of the sentient hologram version of Lt. Commander Stamets to track down J’Ula and repair the cataclysmic time rifts she has created within the Mycelial Network.”
Rapp takes some of the credit for his presence in the game. He told SyfyWire that he approached Cryptic Studios, the makers of Star Trek Online, at last year’s Star Trek Las Vegas. “I went by their booth, and I was just like, ‘Hello, I would love to be a part of this, if it's possible at some point,’ [...] I just wanted to put it out there just for the nerd factor alone.”
We’ll get more details about the new game update in Star Trek Online’s STLV panel on Sunday, but they have at least announced a release date. Star Trek Online: Awakening will be available on PC on September 10th, and on Xbox One and Playstation 4 at a later date.