Star Trek Online releases official Zoom virtual backgrounds

Star Trek Online-themed Zoom virtual backgrounds
It’s the start of a new week, and for many of us, it’s the start of a new week of working from home. A few weeks back, Star Trek released a series of official Zoom backgrounds for you to use in your video meetings, and now Star Trek Online have followed suit as well!
In a blog post, Star Trek Online shared a series of 16 high-quality shots from the game, perfectly suited to use as backgrounds in your next all-hands meeting. Star Trek Online said of the images, “Captains - are those video conference calls we’re all doing too many of in need of some spicing up? Don’t call from your living room anymore call from the Final Frontier. [...] Take charge of your meetings from the bridge of the Enterprise, or show a little hard-fought peace from the world of New Romulus. Don’t video call for the job you have, video call for the job you want.”
In addition to the Enterprise bridge(s) and New Romulus, the backgrounds also feature Admiral Quinn’s office on Earth Spacedock, the Great Hall in the First City on Qo’noS...and a variety of other starship bridges to choose from.
Have a look at the selection of Star Trek Online backgrounds for yourself on their blog at, or create one for yourself in the game! Star Trek Online is a free-to-play MMORPG, and available for PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4.