Star Trek: Prodigy to have special EARLY screening at New York Comic Con

The U.S.S. Protostar prepares for warp in the opening sequence of Star Trek: Prodigy
SEPTEMBER 16, 2021 - Red alert! Shields up! Sensors indicate spoilers ahead…
But not here. We don’t do that sort of thing. The source of the sensor readings,, is reporting on the upcoming New York Comic Con and its Star Trek Universe components. One of those components will be the first public screening of Star Trek: Prodigy, at 12:45pm ET on Sunday, October 10th. So during and after that screening, you might even want to consider recalibrating your own sensors to account for spoilers. Following the screening will be a panel of cast and producers from the series.
The other Trek series being highlighted this year at NYCC is Star Trek: Discovery, and its panel will feature cast members and executive producers at 12:45pm ET on Saturday, October 9th.
New York Comic Con will be taking place October 7th through 10th at the Javits Center in New York City. For more information on the Star Trek Universe features at the convention, head over to
Star Trek: Prodigy premieres on Paramount+ on October 28th, and season four of Star Trek: Discovery begins November 18th, also on Paramount+, where you can catch up on seasons one through three. The first three seasons are also available on DVD and Blu-ray.

David is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. He is a librarian, baseball fan, and book and movie buff. He has also written for American Libraries and Skeptical Inquirer. David also enjoys diverse music, but leans toward classical and jazz. He plays a mean radio.