Star Trek: Voyager actor Robert Picardo’s free autograph challenge results in “sizable” COVID-19 vaccine uptake

Robert Picardo as The Doctor in Star Trek: Voyager
AUGUST 10, 2021 - Two weeks ago, Star Trek: Voyager actor Robert Picardo offered Star Trek fans an autographed photograph with proof of vaccination against COVID-19. As long as fans met certain conditions, they would receive an autographed photo of Picardo in exchange for getting vaccinated during a seven day window beginning July 26th.
On August 2nd, Picardo posted to Twitter again, extending the time frame of his vaccine challenge through August 5th.
I'm offering a free signed photo to:
— Robert Picardo (@RobertPicardo) August 2, 2021
1) Any unvaccinated @StarTrek fan who got/gets vaxxed 27JUL-5AUG (within 10 days after my 27JUL challenge tweet)
2) The first 20 fans who convince a friend to get vaxxed by 5 AUG
3) Chosen at random- 5 fans who RT this and are ALREADY vaxxed
Along with extending the deadline, Picardo took his offer not one, but two steps further, offering autographed photos to 20 eager fans who convinced a friend to “get vaxxed” by August 5th. Picardo also offered five previously vaccinated fans who retweeted his challenge an autographed photo. Those lucky fans were to be chosen at random.
While Picardo hasn’t disclosed how many fans took up his offer, his re-upped offer was retweeted more than 3,000 times, and writer and fan Jay Stobie, who helped Picardo coordinate the effort, indicated the number was significant. “Because of [Robert Picardo’s] generosity,” he said, “a sizeable number of people chose to get vaccinated in the past week. [I’m] humbled to have helped in a very small way.”
Because of @RobertPicardo 's generosity, a sizable number of people chose to get vaccinated in the past week. Humbled to have helped in a very small way.
— Jay Stobie (@StobiesGalaxy) August 8, 2021
Picardo responded to Stobie’s post in true Star Trek fashion, saying, “Thanks for your help, Jay. I encourage everyone to trust the data, trust the science, protect your loved ones and yourself and please #GetVaccinated!”
If you or your loved ones haven’t yet had the COVID-19 vaccine and want more information, including what’s in it, where you can get one, what to expect in terms of side effects, and how much it costs (spoiler alert: it’s completely free!) visit the CDC’s official vaccine website at

Chris Peterson is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. An outdoor enthusiast and a fan of film and literature, he is also an actor, singer and musician with stage credits including CATS, Fiddler on the Roof, The Rocky Horror Show and The Producers.