Star Trek’s Nichelle Nichols to christen Ohio-based International Federation of Trekkers Headquarters

Nichelle Nichols and the International Federation of Trekkers
JULY 12, 2021 - Most of us are probably aware that the United Federation of Planets is (or will be) headquartered in San Francisco, California, “The City by the Bay”. But now we might have to be careful when shortening that to “Federation Headquarters”. That’s because the International Federation of Trekkers, is headquartered in Huron, Ohio, a city on the shores of Lake Erie. This Federation is unique in that it is the only Star Trek fan club to be approved by Gene Roddenberry, who worked with cofounder Russ Haslage to establish it, in 1984, and it is about to receive a distinguished visitor.
According to and the IFT website, Nichelle Nichols, Lieutenant Uhura from Star Trek: The Original Series, will visit this Federation’s headquarters the weekend of September 10th. This is expected to be her final public appearance before her farewell event in Los Angeles later this year. The International Federation of Trekkers moved into new facilities in 2020, and Ms. Nichols will be there to christen the new location with autograph and photo opportunities – the latter, while seated in the captain’s chair on the IFT’s replica Enterprise bridge. Fans can also reserve seats for a dinner with Nichols. All proceeds from the event will benefit her retirement fund.
The nonprofit Federation has more than 2,100 members in over 30 chapters, and, according to its website, its purpose is, in part, to “promote the humanistic philosophies and ideals portrayed in the Star Trek myths in a realistic fashion conducive to the continued existence and responsible advancement of humankind.”
For more information about the International Federation of Trekkers and the event with Nichelle Nichols, set course for

David is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. He is a librarian, baseball fan, and book and movie buff. He has also written for American Libraries and Skeptical Inquirer. David also enjoys diverse music, but leans toward classical and jazz. He plays a mean radio.