TOP FIVE FRIDAY: Child Characters in STAR TREK

Star Trek has always been more than just a space adventure; it's a cultural phenomenon that explores complex themes through a diverse cast of characters, including some memorable child characters. These young figures often provide unique perspectives on the adult-centric conflicts and themes of the series. Here, we celebrate the Top 5 child characters who have left a lasting impression on the Star Trek universe.
5. Naomi Wildman - Star Trek: Voyager
Starting our list is Naomi Wildman, the first child born on the USS Voyager after it was stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Naomi's growth parallels the ship's journey back to the Alpha Quadrant. Being a half-Ktarian, she's naturally curious and intelligent, traits that make her a mini-ambassador on Voyager. Her interactions with Seven of Nine and other crew members bring a refreshing, innocent viewpoint to the often grave challenges the crew faces.
4. Nog - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Nog, the spirited Ferengi who dreams of breaking away from the traditional roles of his culture, is not your typical Starfleet hero. His journey from a mischievous child into a mature Starfleet officer is one of the most compelling arcs in Deep Space Nine. Nog’s evolution challenges the prejudices of others about Ferengi and shows how someone can grow beyond societal expectations.
3. Miri - Star Trek: The Original Series
The episode "Miri" introduces us to an eerily Earth-like world populated only by children who age incredibly slowly. Miri, the titular character, becomes the emotional core of this tragic world. She beautifully captures the confusion and fear of children left alone to fend for themselves, making her one of the more poignant and memorable characters from The Original Series.
2. Sarjenka - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Sarjenka, a young girl from the doomed planet Drema IV, tugs at the heartstrings when she secretly contacts Data for help in the episode "Pen Pals". Her innocence and desperation ignite one of the central moral dilemmas of the series—non-interference versus the urge to save lives. Sarjenka's character beautifully highlights the humanitarian aspect of Starfleet's mission.
1. Balok - Star Trek: The Original Series
Topping our list is the enigmatic Balok, from the episode "The Corbomite Maneuver". Initially portrayed as a threatening alien, Balok is later revealed to be a child-like figure with a deep curiosity about humanity. His deceptive appearance and subsequent reveal as a lonely, playful child who controls the powerful starship Fesarius reflect the series' theme that understanding and compassion can transcend initial fears of the unknown.
These characters are not just memorable because they are children; they are essential to the narrative fabric of Star Trek, offering insights and reflections on the human condition through their innocence, challenges, and growth. Each character, in their own way, teaches us more about the complex universe of Star Trek and continues to endear the franchise to fans of all ages.

Chris Post is a life-long fan of Star Trek who has been working in journalism for nearly 25 years.