Upcoming PropStore auction features rare prototype Star Trek action figures

Image Prop Store
Prop Store is at it again, with another live auction full of geeky goodies - including Star Trek - to drool over.
The Trek Collective reports that Prop Store’s Toys, Comic Art & Collectibles live auction, which takes place on March 4th, is not just full of well-kept vintage toys, but also a large selection of rare prototypes from early Star Trek toys.
Among the lots are a large, 6-inch prototype Klingon action figure from Playmates; prototypes of smaller figures including Picard, Ro Laren, Riker and Sarek; an assortment of painted prototype heads; and even proof copies of the backing cards for retail packaging.
Of course, the vintage toys are worth a look as well. There are communicators and phasers, model kits, a lunch box with Thermos, and a great selection of production action figures.
Overall, the most valuable lots in the auction are hand-painted prototype figures of “All Good Things…” Captain Beverly Crusher, Q in a TNG uniform, and Ambassador Sarek, and one of Admiral Kirk, unpainted. All are valued at $400 - $600 with bids starting at $200.
You can view the lots yourself, and sign up to bid online, at propstore.com.