Daily Star Trek News Debuts New Weekly Show on YouTube

Daily Star Trek News is debuting a new weekly show today!
When DSTN began in 2019, it was mainly a podcast, offering daily news about Star Trek (hence the name.) As time went on, the service morphed, much like Deep Space Nine’s Odo, from its audio form to a (mostly) written online presence, with my predecessor, Alison Pitt, doing a weekly roundup of the news on YouTube.
When I took over as Managing Editor nearly 3 years ago, our podcast and YouTube presence shapeshifted again, becoming primarily an outlet for interviews with everyone from Anthony Rapp (Stamets in Discovery) to Armin Shimerman (Quark in DS9) to David Livingstone (the most prolific director in Trek history) to authors, improv performers, friends and relatives of Trek luminaries, and so on. Those interviews will continue, but we’ve got something new in store, beginning today.
The first episode of our new show, Daily Star Trek News Roundup, drops on YouTube today and we’re really excited to share it with you! Much like Alison’s YouTube roundups, we’ll be examining and dissecting the news, offering our opinions and dissecting and diving deep into the week’s top stories.
This week’s hosts are myself and Contributing Writers Chris Post and Aster Lufkin, but that may not be the lineup every week. I expect our other writers, David Powell, Marina Kravchuk and Alex Giles all to get into the act at some point. Our intention is also to have the occasional surprise guest join us.
Having said that, if there is anything you want to see during the News Roundup or you would like us to do differently, please shoot us an email at info@dailystartreknews.com or post a comment on the YouTube or Patreon video. I can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to take all your suggestions, but I can promise that we will read through them and take them into consideration as we continue to develop the show and future projects.
Your Daily Star Trek News Roundup will be available to Patreon supporters on Sundays and on our YouTube channel on Tuesdays. There’s another big benefit of supporting us on Patreon, though: every episode will be ad free! You can get these early-access, ad free episodes by supporting us for as little as a dollar a month, plus some bonuses. Chris, Aster and I went down a little rabbit hole during our discussion in the News Roundup, and it didn’t make the episode’s final cut. Patreon supporters will be able to watch that extra footage beginning today.
There are other exciting things in the early stages of development, too, which I’m not ready to talk about. We are also working on designing thank you gifts for supporters of certain levels, which will debut soon.
Our Patreon supporters are the backbone of our service. You help us to afford our website, podcast and newsletter hosting fees and to pay our writers. Every little bit helps us to keep the tricorders scanning, the shuttlecrafts shuttling and the phasers…phasering.
We really do hope you like your Daily Star Trek News Roundup and will continue trekking with us into the future!

T is the Managing Editor for Daily Star Trek News and a contributing writer for Sherlock Holmes Magazine and a Shakespeare nerd. He may have been the last professional Stage Manager to work with Leonard Nimoy, has worked Off-Broadway and regionally, and is the union Stage Manager for Legacy Theatre, where he is currently working with Julie Andrews. after which he’ll be working on Richard III at Elm Shakespeare Company.