MEME REVIEW MONDAY: A Whole Lot of Spirking Goin' On

Celebrate Valentine’s Day the STAR TREK way.
Hello! Welcome back to another Meme Review Monday. With Valentine's Day just around the corner I decided to scour the depths of the internet for the best love themed Star Trek memes. Prepare yourself for loads of Spirk and cheesinessI hope you enjoy!
First up we have the meme that inspired me to undertake this endeavor from @lonely-girl-1612 on Tumblr.
I saw this meme on my Tumblr dash and was struck by divine inspiration for this week’s meme review. I knew what had to be done and thus I set out on my mission which had been bestowed onto me by the prophets themselves. I began my search for Valentine's Day memes.
Next we have a meme by @spocks-bikini-and-datas-bra on tumblr.
This meme is technically Spirk themed and not love themed but I think it still counts. This meme has a good point. I do not believe Spirk to be a collective hallucination, therefore there has to be at least some basis for the ship, that basis being the acting in the show.
Next up we have a meme sent to me by my friend.
I told my friends that I was looking for Valentine's Day themed Star Trek memes and they provided me with some great memes. “Beam me up Hottie” is perfect in every way it is just vague enough not to be vulgar and also we all love Scotty.
Next up we have another meme sent to me by my friend.
This is another high quality Valentine’s Day meme, though it’s a bit sad for my taste. I’m not sure how much I would like to be reminded of Spock’s absolutely tragic death on a day about love. That being said, the editing is great and it’s a wonderful concept.
Next up we have a meme I found on Pinterest. I was unable to find the creator of this meme but they are certainly a meme genius.
This is how I imagine Data would talk to his Valentine. I think this is just so sweet. If Data ever said this to me I would struggle to not begin crying tears of joy. He’s such a sweet character and you know that if he says this to you he really means it.
Next up we have a meme from @5YearMission on X.
I quite enjoy the irony of this meme. Scotty, in fact, seems to be having a lot of trouble with those tribbles. I think if you are to give this Valentine to someone it should definitely be someone who is at least a bit of “tribble” for you.
Next up we have a meme from @hellodarjeeling on Tumblr.
This is one of my favorite Spirk memes that I think perfectly summarizes their relationship. Kirk is #1 Himbo and Spock is #1 Smarty Pants, they fit perfectly together.
Finally, we have a meme made by yours truly.
I saw a distinct lack of Q Valentines Day memes and I knew I had to change that. Though this pun isn’t my best work I think it’s great for valentines.
Ok that’s all I have for you today! Happy Valentine's Day!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.