MEME REVIEW MONDAY: Lord of the Treks, Kirkvana, and Treklight

Hello! Welcome back to another Meme Review Monday! I hope you all are doing well. This week was surprisingly dry in terms of Star Trek memes but I did my best scouring the internet and found some pretty good memes for this week. I hope you’re excited! Let’s jump in!
First up we have a meme from Amy Shimerman on Pinterest (I told you I really scoured the internet).
I think this is so funny. I wish I had found this meme when it was colder out (at least where I am) so it would be a bit more with the times but I’ll take what I can get during this meme drought. I honestly can’t remember if this meme is actually a line from DS9. I wouldn’t be surprised. This definitely sounds like something Odo would say.
Next up we have a meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
This meme is so cute I love it. I may be a bit biased towards this meme as I love cats and I love Data even more. After seeing this meme I’ve chosen to imagine that Data has made many paintings of Spot even though we never see them on screen. Considering he wrote a Spot poem I’m just going to assume he also painted his beloved cat.
Next up we have a meme from @thetimetostrikeislater on tumblr.
I really love this meme for many reasons. Obviously I’m a huge Spirk fan and I will always go back and watch my favorite Spirk episodes when I’m having a bad day. However I really like this because I feel like it can apply to many franchises. My favorite book genre is LGBTQ Sci Fi so I spend a lot of my time reading about two men flirting in space as well. All that is to say, this meme really speaks to me.
Next up we have a meme from @frogblast-the-ventcore on Tumblr.
I included this meme because I love Lord of the Rings and that’s pretty much it. I will take any meme that combines Star Trek and LOTR. I’m also slightly terrified of Gowrondalf. I don’t want to know what Gowron would do with Gandalf’s power.
Next up we have another meme from @robintreks on Instagram
I love all the LOTR/Star Trek memes I found this week. Odo Baggins is amazing and I’m sure he would’ve done a great job at delivering the One Ring to Mount Doom. All that hair also kind of fits Odo. He looks a bit like an 80s metal head and I’m loving it.
Next up we have a meme from my personal collection. I had to scour the depths of my camera roll for some of my old Star Trek memes to supply you all this week.
First up we have Captain Kurt, Captain of the USS Nirvana. I used to be a huge Nirvana fan so I saved this meme a while ago as I love memes that combine many things that I love. This meme makes me want to see Kirk with a man bun. I think he totally would’ve rocked it.
Next up we have another meme from my personal collection.
This is another meme that combines two franchises I love. Yes you read that correctly, I am a Twilight fan. I’m not proud of it but I was gifted the first book when I was 10 and it’s really all been downhill from there. I’ve read every book in the Twilight series and have watched the movies a few too many times. I find this meme hilarious because Edward and Data couldn’t be more different.
Ok that’s all I have for you guys this week! I’ll see you next week!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.