David Ajala Reflects on Returning to STAR TREK: DISCOVERY for Season 5

David Ajala Reflects on Returning to STAR TREK: DISCOVERY for Season 5

David Ajala, the actor who plays Clevland Booker, or Book, in Star Trek: Discovery recently did an interview with Cinemablend in which he discussed Book’s return to season 5 and his opinions on the ending of the show.

As some of you may already know, Cleveland Booker wasn’t originally supposed to be in Discovery season 5. Ajala didn’t elaborate on why exactly the producers decided to keep him on the show after Book’s seeming end however he did say this:

It's funny because I remember reading the [season 4 finale] episode and thinking, ‘Oh, so Cleveland Booker is out of here,' and then, you know, seeing the reveal. It was fun because it was such a superb dramatic beat. But I was only meant to be on the show for two seasons, Seasons 3 and 4. As fate would have it, the stars aligned, and the producers and powers that be wanted to flesh out Cleveland Booker's story a little more and gave me the invitation to come back, which I graciously accepted.

Ajala also told Cinemablend that he’s really excited for fans to see a particular scene that may or may not involve him and Michael. I personally thank my lucky stars that Book was able to return for the final season of Discovery so that we can see his and Michael’s relationship play out (plus I always love seeing more of Grudge). He also commented to Cenimablend about Book’s character development in the coming season saying,

And I'm so happy that my ‘yes’ was yes because we've been really able to dig into a much more well-rounded individual. Not perfect, well-rounded. Whose strengths and weaknesses have been so publicly displayed, and whose fall from grace has been so publicly displayed. I think it shows great character with his leaving Booker because he's able to bounce back and still be of service to many people.

Unless Book joins Starfleet it’s unlikely we’ll be seeing more of him in future Star Trek shows. However, it was fun while it lasted and Book will live on in our hearts as a strong and beloved Star Trek character. 

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.