Get excited for Star Trek: Picard season 2! Promo images from the first 2 episodes have just landed

Pictured: Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine, Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard, Michelle Hurd as Raffi and Evan Evagora as Elnor of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: PICARD. Photo Cr: Trae Patton/Paramount+ (C)2022 ViacomCBS. All Rights Reserved.
JANUARY 30, 2022 - With five weeks to go until the premiere of Star Trek: Picard’s second season, Paramount+ continues to propel the publicity machine ahead at maximum warp with the release of preview images from the first two episodes. The ten images give fans just a glimpse of the adventure to come, yet provide interesting clues as to how quickly the story unfolds once Q shows up and (once again) messes with the timeline.
The pictures from episode one focus on Picard in his French chateau, showing him interacting first with a woman (presumably Orla Brady as Laris) then dealing with the unexpected return of John de Lancie’s Q. The pictures seem simple enough until further investigation reveals a change in Jean-Luc’s wardrobe, which shifts from a stylish naval-style uniform (complete with TOS-movie era tribute badge) to a darker, more militaristic uniform once Q is on the scene. This would indicate a rapid shift to the more sinister timeline already shown in previews.

The photos from episode two continue in the alternate history vein, revealing the transformed versions of Raffi, Elnor, Dr. Jurati, and a presumably never-assimilated Annika Hansen. They appear to be meeting with Picard in a laboratory setting, but the pictures give very little away concerning this part of the story. Nonetheless, they also reveal a briskness to the plot as Jean-Luc is already at work gathering his friends to address the crisis by this second episode.

Star Trek: Picard launches its second season on March 3rd, with the first season currently streaming on Paramount+. With these stills, along with the new preview and an upcoming tie-in audio adventure, the approach to fan excitement certainly seems to be: “Make it so.”

Jack Brown is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. Jack teaches at a small film school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and also helps to manage his wife's career as a novelist and speaker. In his spare time he writes fiction, cooks, and watches classic movies.