T. Rick Jones

INTERVIEW: Tony Tellado Talks Sci-Fi, Star Trek, and Podcasting

T. Rick Jones
INTERVIEW: Tony Tellado Talks Sci-Fi, Star Trek, and Podcasting
Tony Tellado hosts Sci-Fi Talk.

Tony Tellado hosts Sci-Fi Talk.

FEBRUARY 1, 2023 - If you’re not listening to the podcast SciFi Talk you should be. Host Tony Tellado brings you original interviews and news from throughout not just science fiction, but horror and fantasy, as well, in all their forms: television, films, video games, and comic books. Tony’s a big Star Trek fan and he and I sat down to discuss host-to-host the franchise, plus an array of other topics ranging. from podcasting to Sherlock Holmes to PanCan.

T is the Managing Editor for Daily Star Trek News and a contributing writer for Sherlock Holmes Magazine and a Shakespeare nerd. He may have been the last professional Stage Manager to work with Leonard Nimoy, has worked Off-Broadway and regionally, and is the union Stage Manager for Legacy Theatre, where he is currently working with Julie Andrews. after which he’ll be working on Richard III at Elm Shakespeare Company.