MEME REVIEW MONDAY: Social Justice, Being Seen and Fans Without Benefits

Hello and Happy Meme Review Monday! Long time no see. I know you’ve been eagerly waiting for the next meme review so let’s just jump right into it!
First up we have a meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
The editing on this meme is immaculate. The new Mad Max movie just came out and though I am not a Mad Max fan I’m thinking of watching it. I know I would definitely watch it if it was Jad Dax. I prefer my Star Trek utopian sci-fi future to the dystopian sci fi future of Mad Max.
Next up we have a meme from @gettheorion on Tumblr.
I’m currently rewatching DS9 and this is definitely the case. Garak, despite being a war criminal, is just a little guy and must be protected at all costs. All jokes aside, I do love Garak. He is such a well written character and it makes him impossible to not to love in spite of his flaws.
Next up we have another meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
This meme was captioned “a gul de sac…” and I hate everything about it in the best way possible. This pun is so incredibly awful and yet I cannot help but smile when I see it. I don’t know about you but I personally would not want to live in a gul de sac. Cardassian Guls are not exactly known for their hospitality.
Next up we have a meme from @oldfangirl81 on Tumblr.
This is the first Meme Review of Pride Month so I had to include this one today. I can definitely picture Quark saying this and he is incredibly correct in saying so.
Next up we have a meme from @madmonkeyxxi on X.
I’ve never seen this meme format used before but I think it’s perfect. I love The Good Place and I think this is a great use of this scene in the show. Star Trek has always been all about social justice issues and sometimes people need to be reminded of that.
Next up we have a meme from @dgtrekker on Tumblr.
In all honesty it took me a second to get this meme but when I did I couldn’t help but include it. Star Trek fans are the best at making fun of other Star Trek fans.
Next up we have another meme from @therealorion on tumblr.
This meme is quite profound and also probably correct. Though arguably this may not hold up given the end of Picard season 2 where there were many Borg ships however the ships all came together to save the quadrant not assimilate the Federation so I suppose it does still hold up.
Next up we have a meme from @aquilathefighter on tumblr.
Amen! I know this meme is poorly timed given the fact that it is close to the anniversary of Star Trek III but I thought this meme was so funny I had to include it. The Voyage Home is probably my favorite of the TOS era Star Trek movies and I know I can always count on it to cheer me up when I am sad.
Ok that’s all I have for you all this week! See you next week!!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.