MEME REVIEW MONDAY: Stick Figure Riker, Odo In a Bucket, and a Claw Machine

Hello! Welcome back to another meme review monday! I hope you all had a great week! I know you’re all anxiously awaiting this week’s memes so let’s get into it!
First up we have a meme from @benthesoldiersjeanshorts on Tumblr.
This screenshot has been circulating as a meme template this week. I was debating using this meme or one with the Teletubbies baby sun. I went with this one because I simply cannot resist a joke about conservative Star Trek fans.
Next up we have another meme from @benthesoldiersjeanshorts on Tumblr
This meme is perfect. It’s so stupid and I love it. I wish the person who took the photo was doing the Vulcan salute but I’ll take what I can get. I’m so happy this person saw the opportunity to make this meme at the claw machine and took it.
Next up we have a meme from @robintreks on Instagram.
If Klingons had office jobs I imagine this is how it would be. In all honesty a great way to get me to do extra work is to tell me that it is for the glory of the Klingon Empire. I think that this is a great strategy and should be implemented in workplaces around the world.
Next up we have a meme from @PyleReal on X
This meme is so stupid I love it. The pun is immaculate and the editing is iconic. This is a pure meme and everything about it is perfect. 10/10 meme if I do say so myself.
Next up we have a meme from @holodeck-enthusiast on Tumblr.
I’m very impressed with this meme and its ability to capture Johnathan Frakes’ likeness in such a simplistic manner. Even without the caption I would’ve known this meme was Riker. I also really appreciate the low opacity Rikers around the meme. I think they really add to the vibe. This meme is very accurate to Riker and I don’t think there’s much more to say beyond that.
Next up we have a meme from @kanaestar on X.
I think to understand this meme you have to know the caption: “I had a dream about this exact meme last night. No, I can't elaborate. No, I don't understand.” This meme was gifted in a dream to its creator by the prophets. They simply had to make it. This meme is divine in nature and thus is a 10/10. Plus it’s really goofy.
Finally we have a meme sent to me by my friend (hi Emily!).
wish I had included this in last week’s meme review where I randomly talked a lot about food. However, if it weren’t for that meme review my friend never would’ve sent me this meme, so I suppose it’s all worth it in the end. I very much appreciate the immaculate editing on this meme. I think from now on this is how I will say pecans.
Ok that’s all I have for you all this week! I’ll see you next week!!

Aster is a fresh face to Daily Star Trek News, joining the ranks as a contributing writer. Though he may be young, he self-describes as a hardcore nerd, lover of cheese sticks and niche internet discourse. Outside of his long-time obsession with Star Trek, Aster is an avid cosplayer, crocheter, and Catan enthusiast who is attending school for technical theater and design. He's very excited to debut in his "professional nerd career" and finally put all his obscure nerd facts to good use.