Mike McMahan talks about Star Trek: Lower Decks seasons 1 through 4

Tendi, Rutherford, Mariner, and Boimler, the main characters of STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS
JUNE 13, 2022 - Back in April, we let you know that the DVD and Blu-ray editions of season two of Star Trek: Lower Decks would be coming out, which they did yesterday. Now, in anticipation of the upcoming season three, showrunner Mike McMahan had some reflections to offer on season two and some things to say about season three … and even season four.
McMahan told IGN that two things “crystallized” for him in season two. One was that “[t]he Bridge crew might be the top of the USS Cerritos but they're one of the bottoms of the fleet. That makes the Cerritos itself a lower decker.” And “maybe there's a little infighting and maybe we don't always see eye to eye, but we're family. We've got each other's backs.” The other was learning how to define stories driven by the complicated relationship between Ensigns Mariner and Boimler, especially after certain developments, which will not be spoiled here.
McMahan also appreciates the relationship he has with Alex Kurtzman and the other Lower Decks producers.
“They know that the Star Trek, sci-fi stuff is gonna come and fall into place. The only notes I ever get is: Clarify why this is important for these characters and clarify what we're saying about these guys…. They know from making ‘big drama’ Star Trek that we're doing that too, and we have to be funny, and it has to be short and there has to be a reason for being animated. There's a lot of trust on both sides.”
Regarding seasons three and four, McMahan promises further growth and new paths among the lower deckers, as well as some more on certain unfolding mysteries. And he also keeps in mind the balance between catering to Trek veterans and to those just arriving. “Honestly, a new viewer popping in will be fine. But if you want to taste every weird little McMahan micro-flavor that we sewed in there, binge the first two seasons before you dive into the next one, and then you're going to have a great time.”
For more from Mike McMahan, including the spoilery bits and some video clips, head over to IGN.
Seasons one and two of Star Trek: Lower Decks are streaming now on Paramount+ and available on DVD and Blu-ray.

David is a contributing writer for Daily Star Trek News on the Roddenberry Podcast Network. He is a librarian, baseball fan, and book and movie buff. He has also written for American Libraries and Skeptical Inquirer. David also enjoys diverse music, but leans toward classical and jazz. He plays a mean radio.