Patrick Stewart and Gates McFadden talk Star Trek: Picard season 3 at SDCC 2022

Patrick Stewart (Picard) and Gates McFadden (Beverly Crusher) reunited at SDCC 2022 (Image: Irvin Rivera/Getty Images
AUGUST 7, 2022 - After 176 episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation (some fans argue that 178 were produced if you count the pilot and finale 2-hour episodes as being cut into two parts for repeats) and 4 motion pictures, fans may now be getting their wish granted to them in the final season of the Paramount+ original series Star Trek: Picard.
Before season 2 finished, fans were treated to the knowledge that season 3 will reunite our Trek family together for one final warp around the galaxy. We immediately began wondering what will happen. What have they been up to? Where are they now in their lives? The tidbits learned have only whetted the appetites of the fans even more.
According to TrekMovie, we learned during the Star Trek Universe panel at the 2022 San Diego Comic-Con that the actors helped shape the characters for this season and that Levar Burton’s daughter will be playing Geordi LaForge’s daughter, and we’ve seen the first look at the actors in character, but we want MORE!
On their panel, Stewart and McFadden give us another glimpse as to what to expect.
Stewart: I don’t mean to disappoint you, but it’s not about a Next Generation reunion. It really isn’t. It’s part of a narrative, a very serious narrative that develops throughout season 3. And indeed, does bring us together, I can say right at the end because you’d like to know that. It’s not just a walk down memory lane, remotely. I think it’s important to say that the third season is much more than a reunion season. Much, much more. It’s intense. It’s personal. It’s social. It’s a family. And it gets very serious.
McFadden: It does indeed. It’s quite an adventure. And it’s a brilliant story of how they unfold us getting together and what happens. I was thrilled. I think it’s a super season and I’m sure the fans would love it.
Speaking as to how the characters have evolved over the decades since we’ve last seen them together, the pair had this to say:
McFadden: All the characters have evolved because we as people have evolved, and obviously that’s going to be reflected in our characters. But we had a blast and laughed a lot and got silly, as always. And we also had some very moving moments. So, I think the story is quite brilliant and very powerful, actually. I was thrilled with the story, and I hope the fans will be too.
Stewart: Yes, there is stress in the relationships. And that’s, I think, after how many 25 years, that’s entirely appropriate. You cannot be confident that you know the same person that you knew all those years ago. Nevertheless, there is a tiny little celebratory aspect to it. Not huge. But, it’s there. Personally, for us, it was wonderful to be on the set again with those actors who played such an important part in our lives 35 years ago, is extraordinary. And we’re all still here.
McFadden: Picard and Crusher have had this very particular love relationship. It’s very strong. Very unique. And I’ve always thought that, but to actually be in a situation where we have to rediscover and reanalyze how do we feel about each other? We haven’t seen each other for 20 to 25 years… that was really strong.
Stewart: Yes, very strong. There is dynamic. It will not be the same as it was.
We also learned that though Wesly had his send-off in series two, there may yet be more of a reunion in store for the Crusher family.
McFadden: My space son, that’s what I call Wil Wheaton. He calls me his space mom, which is a privilege. He and I are talking all the time. He is a doll. I am so happy to have him in my life, but no I didn’t see him in the last season, but you’ll just have to see what happens in the third season.
So, there we are, a few more crumbs to partially satiate the growing hunger for what’s in store in season 3 of PIC. We’ll surely learn more as we approach the event, but until the season actually kicks off, we’ll have to be satisfied with the crumbs we’re getting. Season 3 of Star Trek: Picard will air in early 2023, exclusively on Paramount+ in the US.

Thaddeus Tuffentsamer is an internationally selling author. His books have been sold in the US, the UK, Sweden, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Italy, and France. He has a series of young reader novels, a satirical self-help book, (which, according to reviews, actually has some pretty solid counsel), and has joined the list of professional Sherlock Holmes authors.
He promises that his works will never contain profanity, gratuitous violence, or anything else that would prevent the entire family from enjoying them together.
He spends his days working in healthcare administration and in his evenings, in between plans for becoming “Lord Emperor of everything,” he types away at his keyboard letting his imagination out for the world to read.
He is fortunate to have a wonderful wife and two beautiful daughters. He currently lives in Goodyear Arizona with his wife.